How to clean the car interior with your own hands? The best professional and available tools.
The websites of organizations offering dry cleaning and car washing contain a large number of photographs in
How to replace the cabin filter on a Lada Largus
The manufacturer does not install cabin filters in Lada Largus cars. Even the equipment of the car does not
Cabin filter for Skoda Octavia A7
Replacing the cabin filter of Skoda Octavia A7 with your own hands » AvtoNovator
Now we can make sure that the box is open and closed and that your new salon
car speakers wheeze
10 possible reasons why your car speakers wheeze
The characteristic wheezing of speakers in a car is a fairly common problem that can be easily fixed with
What does the green color of antifreeze and antifreeze mean?
04/23/2021 55 336 Cooling system Author: Ivan Baranov As you know, coolant is an important consumable
Do-it-yourself restoration of car interior plastic
Car interior plastic restorer - a review of traditional methods Good afternoon, dear friends. For all
A homemade subwoofer amplifier is an economical way to get a useful device
You can buy a subwoofer at any specialized car audio store. Available for sale as passive,
Contact-transistor ignition system
Transistorized ignition system: the first step towards contactless circuits
The operation of the contact transistor system is based on the use of semiconductor devices. Advantages of the contact transistor system
The VAZ 2110 stove does not work
Why the stove on the VAZ-2110 does not work, and what to do
The car interior heater (stove) is intended not only to create comfortable conditions for the driver and
Installing ClearPlex Protective Film
Gravel is not scary! 3 ways to protect your windshield from chips and cracks
Home » Blog » How to protect your windshield from stones Most drivers are experienced
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