Recommendations and instructions for installing a battery disconnect switch on a vehicle

The KAMAZ-5320 electrical circuit diagram is colored, as a rule, it is used to repair electrical wiring and vehicle devices. Thanks to the electrical circuit, the car owner can find failed or faulty components for further repair or replacement. You can learn more about the features of electrical equipment, its malfunctions and diagnostics from this material.

Features of electrical equipment

Let's start with a description of what elements and subsystems the KAMAZ-5320 electrical wiring removal includes:

  1. Light signaling and turning lights.
  2. Heating system, power supply, and windshield cleaning.
  3. Exterior lighting, including low and high beams, side lights, fog lights, if any.
  4. Car interior lighting.
  5. Engine starting system.
  6. The wiring diagram also includes a system of control and measuring devices located on the dashboard of the car. The dashboard contains not only a speedometer and tachometer, but also many indicators, as well as sensors designed to provide more convenient control of the car.
  7. Sound alarm.
  8. Audio system, if available.

Normal operation of the KAMAZ 43118 electrical circuit is possible only with the correct functioning of two main components:

  1. Battery. This device provides the ignition system with voltage during engine starting, and also allows you to power the main electrical equipment when the internal combustion engine is turned off.
  2. Generator. This unit provides power to all devices and equipment while driving a car. The generator also replenishes the battery charge that was spent on starting the engine.

Types and connection diagrams of the battery mass switch

The following types of VMs are currently used:

  • manual mechanical;
  • remote electromechanical (relay);
  • thyristor.

Manual mechanical VMs are used on heavy vehicles and special equipment. They are designed for high currents (up to 1000 Amperes), so they can be used for switching starting circuits for powerful motors. Such switches can be successfully used in passenger cars.

You can install the VM at the point where the negative terminal of the battery is connected to the car body, if this place is within reach for turning on.

More convenient are VMs located on the battery terminals, designed specifically for passenger cars.

Remote disconnect switches are often used in cars and trucks. They can be controlled from inside the car. In this case, if you place the control button in a secret way, you get a good anti-theft device.

The button can be designed for a high current of direct control of the VM electromagnet, as shown in the diagram.

If you use an additional relay in the circuit, you can use low-current control (a small button).

In passenger cars, powerful thyristors with currents of 160, preferably 320 Amperes, can be used as VMs. In this case, control can be organized secretly using a reed switch-magnet system. But the thyristor control circuit may not withstand high motor starting currents.

You can use a thyristor control circuit with two buttons and a relay.

How to determine the malfunction?

Detecting breakdowns in equipment operation is possible with the involvement of a specialist or at home.

In general, there are two vehicle conditions in which a circuit failure can be determined:

  1. The engine does not start and the vehicle cannot be operated. There can be many reasons for the breakdown in this case. Equipment diagnostics should begin by checking the ignition switch, switchgear, spark plugs, high-voltage wires, starter assembly and, of course, the battery. In most cases, the cause can be solved by charging the battery, cleaning the spark plugs from carbon deposits, or replacing high-voltage wires. In addition, the reason may be a failed generator. Before you begin dismantling and disassembling the unit, you should check the quality of the generator belt tension. Perhaps the strap is loose or its tension is very strong, which is also not very good for the car.
  2. The engine can be started, but the equipment does not work or only works partially. A group of devices may not be working. For example, in your car the turn signal and windshield wiper blades stopped working at the same time. It would seem, how can these devices be connected to each other? But you need to take into account that these two systems operate from the steering column switch. And if it fails or there is a bad contact on its circuit, then the nodes simply cannot be started. If the engine starts, then some of the components do not work, then you should first check the fuses in the block; it is quite possible that one or part of them has simply blown. If the safety elements are working, and you are 100% sure that the electrical equipment is working, then you need to start diagnosing the wiring (the author of the video is the CarEnergy channel).

Do it yourself

To disconnect the ground from the car battery, you can do it extremely simply by lifting the hood and unscrewing the corresponding terminals. But if there is a button in the cabin through which the shutdown is carried out, it will be much more convenient to work with it. You can make a similar solution yourself.

If you do not plan to use a factory switch, you can make it yourself. A simple circuit in which there are no mechanical contacts is quite suitable. This increases the reliability of the design. Plus, such a system will be an excellent addition to your security system, if one is provided.

To assemble the circuit breaker, you will need an S1 type button, which will be installed in the interior, a diode and a thyristor.

A thyristor is a thyristor that has 3 electrical terminals. These are the control electrode, cathode and anode.

  • The thyristor will be used as an electric relay, which is activated when a pulse appears on the control electrode.
  • A control button is installed in a hidden location chosen by the motorist himself. When the contacts are closed, a pulse will occur on the button.
  • Arriving at the thyristor, the pulse promotes unlocking, the resistance changes sharply towards decrease, and a high voltage current passes through the network.
  • The thyristor allows current to pass only in the direction from the battery to the on-board electrical network.
  • So that the battery can be recharged from the generator, a diode is connected in parallel with the trinistor.
  • The part is fastened using a duralumin-based angle.
  • Holes are made on one shelf for attaching semiconductors.
  • On the second, you need to drill holes for the fastening element that will be used to attach the device to the body.
  • Installation stranded wire is used as wiring.

By combining everything into a single circuit, when you press a button hidden in the cabin, it will be possible to open the ground, thereby cutting off the current from the battery to consumers.

Possible wiring faults

All malfunctions in electrical wiring can be divided into several groups:

  1. Breakdown of the equipment itself. This doesn't happen very often, but it can still happen.
  2. Fuse failure. As you know, the mounting block contains safety devices responsible for the safety of KAMAZ wiring. If power surges occur in the system, then in order to prevent equipment breakdown, fuses are used, which blow out first. If power surges periodically occur in the on-board network, then before replacing the blown fuses, you need to get rid of the cause.
  3. Poor contact between the electrical circuit and the equipment. In this case, there may be several reasons. As a rule, poor contact is caused by a wire break somewhere in the circuit. For diagnostics, you will need a multimeter, which, in fact, is always used to detect faults in the wiring. Also, the reason may be oxidation or burning of contacts. If this is the case, then the problem can be solved by cleaning or replacing them.
  4. Leakage current. In most cases, this problem is caused by a breakdown in the wiring. Using a multimeter, a defective wire is determined, which as a result will need to either be replaced or carefully insulated.
  5. Wear of generator components. It will be necessary to disassemble the unit to identify defective parts and then replace them.
  6. The battery is dead or there is not enough electrolyte in it. In this case, you need to check the fluid level in the battery banks, and also measure its charge parameter.

Tips and warnings

When installing the battery disconnect switch, consider the following points:

  • if the car is equipped with any instruments or devices that require adjustment, for example, an on-board computer or an electronic tachometer with a clock, the settings should be restored and the time on the clock set again;
  • if the security system is equipped with an autonomous siren, it will start beeping when the power is turned off;
  • if the alarm system does not have autonomous power supply, it becomes inoperative when the mass is disconnected;
  • on cars with an injector, you must remember that a switched off VMA entails turning off the power to the controller. At the same time, all information that has accumulated on it is erased.

For the reasons described above, the main switch should only be used in emergency situations.

Over time, the contact resistance at the contacts increases significantly due to corrosion. This is of great importance for the starter current. Therefore, it is recommended to lubricate the wire contacts with lithol or special petroleum jelly. For preventive purposes, contacts should be periodically checked and new lubricant applied. An electronic mains switch can be a good anti-theft tool for a car, since the switch can be placed in a hidden place and will be difficult for car thieves to detect.

Video “Detailed instructions for repairing lighting and wiring in KAMAZ”

How to properly repair the backlight, as well as the electrical circuit in the truck - see the video below (author - Nikita Vagin).

The electrical equipment system of KamAZ vehicles is single-wire with a rated voltage of 24 V. The negative poles of current sources and current consumers are connected to the vehicle ground

The negative terminal of the batteries is connected to the vehicle ground through a switch, so all electrical consumers operate only when the batteries are connected to ground. To ensure reliable contact between the cab and the frame, the frame and the engine, additional ground wires are used.

Tips and tricks

Here are the basic recommendations for correctly installing the main switch:

  • if there are electronic devices in the car (all new cars now have them) that require adjustment, after turning off the mass, you will have to re-set the time and other settings;
  • if the security system design has an autonomous siren, then the siren turns on and starts making a sound when the “mass” is turned off;
  • if the car alarm design does not have an autonomous siren, then after turning off the mass of the car, the entire security system of the car is also turned off;
  • When the mass is turned off in injection cars, the controller is turned off, in which all accumulated information is erased.

After some time, depending on operating conditions (in particular, high humidity), the contacts of the device undergo corrosion, which leads to an increase in current resistance. Transient high resistance is sensitive for a conventional or gear starter, so it is advisable to lubricate the contacts with lithol or special petroleum jelly.

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