Reversing traffic on the road. Traffic lights for reversing traffic

Actions of drivers and pedestrians in response to a yellow traffic light

Drivers who receive a yellow traffic light (or the equivalent of a traffic controller raising their hand) must stop. But if the vehicle is moving quickly, and stopping is impossible without emergency braking, then you don’t have to stop in the places specified in clause 6.13 of the traffic rules. Pedestrians caught on the roadway by the signal must vacate it. If it is impossible to do this, they need to stop on the line dividing multidirectional traffic flows.

If the green traffic light changes to yellow, and the vehicle is moving at a high speed, which does not allow stopping in the right place without emergency braking, the driver is given the right, in accordance with clause 6.14, to continue driving. This rule encourages some drivers to run a yellow light even if they can stop without braking.

This behavior carries a potential danger, since it happens that in the direction being crossed at this time another driver starts moving, without waiting for the yellow signal of his traffic light to change to green. The result of such a situation is an accident in which drivers get into, saving time at the expense of safety.

Pedestrians can find themselves in a difficult situation when changing permitting signals to prohibiting ones much more often. Especially those of them who are not able to quickly cross the road or return back. The only acceptable safe option for them is to stop on the line dividing multidirectional traffic flows.

Driving on the reverse lane

Driving on a road with reversible traffic must be carried out with special care. It requires unquestioning compliance with the rules. The slightest mistake or slowdown, and now there is an oncoming lane in front of you, although only a couple of seconds ago everyone was moving in the same direction as you.

It is allowed to change lanes within the visibility range of a control device on a reversible road when the permit signal is given. If you are moving and a prohibitory signal appears, your actions should be concentrated on leaving the lane as quickly as possible. You also have the opportunity to leave it at any time when given the permission signal.

You can move along the reversible lane until there is a sign indicating its completion. After driving, it is regulated by the usual traffic rules.

The rules for driving on reversible roads can be summarized in several points:

  • Entry is permitted when the green or yellow traffic light above the reverse lane is on.
  • When the traffic light is off or when the light is red, it is prohibited to move your vehicle into the reverse lane.
  • Traffic regulations require an immediate exit from the reverse lane if the traffic light above it turns red or stops working.

Basic rules for moving in reverse flow

Which of the drivers making a turn will violate the rules?
Typically, reversing traffic is installed on straight sections of the road and on highways with a minimum number of intersections. However, in big cities problems often arise, especially if you are approaching from an adjacent street or area.

In this case, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • You cannot cross the entire roadway if you need to go, for example, to the left.
  • It is necessary to join the general flow and drive to the nearest intersection, at the same time changing lanes into the far left lane in order to make a U-turn at the intersection, if it is not prohibited by the rules.

  • According to traffic regulations, you can enter the reverse road from any direction, and exit in the far right lane.
  • Advancement is allowed only in cases where the road situation allows it.
  • It is prohibited to cross marking 1.9, separating traffic flows in different directions, on the left side; this will be classified as entering oncoming traffic.

The Code of Administrative Offenses does not have special articles devoted to sections with reverse traffic, so violations will be fined based on the situation.

The most common situation is ignoring traffic lights. So, if a red cross is on, then entering the lane is equivalent to entering oncoming traffic. For this, according to Article 12.15 Part 4, a fine of 5 thousand rubles is imposed. If you commit this violation again and this fact is recorded by a traffic police inspector, you can lose your license for a year.

If there is an obstacle in front of you on the road and you go around it on the left, entering the oncoming lane, that is, crossing marking 1.9, then such a violation is considered under Article 12.15 of the Administrative Code, Part 3 - a fine of 1-1.5 thousand rubles.

The violator may also be punished for incorrectly positioning the vehicle when crossing intersections in different directions. There are certain features here. So, even if you need to turn left from the reverse lane onto a road with normal traffic, then according to the traffic rules, this can be done in such a way that your car on an ordinary road with two-way traffic takes the extreme right position.

This moment is very often recorded, because video recording cameras are posted at such intersections. In case of violation, the fine is levied under Article 12.15 Part 1 - 1,500 rubles.

To avoid all these fines, you need to follow traffic lights, markings and road signs. True, it can be encouraging that if a violation is recorded on camera, the license is not confiscated, but a fine is issued.

Despite the fact that in Europe and America this method of regulating traffic has proven itself to be the best and has been actively used since the late nineties, in Russia they reacted ambiguously to this. When the reverse movement was first used in our country, its opponents appeared. Indeed, as practice has shown, this had no effect on reducing the number of accidents; on the contrary, when organizing it, some drivers began to get confused and make mistakes.

Thus, scientists from European countries conducted experiments, which as a result showed that adjusting the reversibility has no effect on reducing accidents. Of course, the positive aspects include the fact that this makes it possible to achieve an increase in the average speed of about 10 km/h, and in some cases more. This method allows you to increase capacity, both on temporary sections of roads during their repairs, and during peak hours.

This movement is rarely used in Russia and only in large cities. Examples include a small number of streets in Moscow, Samara, and the city of Yekaterinburg, where Sheinkman Street temporarily becomes one-way during morning rush hours.

Interpretation of the rules of movement

There are two main options for reversible roads, depending on the number of rows along which movement is carried out. In the first version, the middle stripe is separated from the neighboring stripes by double white broken lines. The markings indicate the fact of reverse movement. The permission or prohibition to drive along it is regulated by a traffic light, which gives the right to travel in one direction or another. As soon as the section with reverse traffic ends, the driver is required to change lanes to the right.

The second case involves a four-lane road, on which in normal mode two directions move in one direction, and two in the other. The marking in this version is applied to the middle of the road and extends its effect to two directions, which it separates.

Movement in this area is carried out as follows:

  1. When the reverse traffic light is on, three rows are used for driving in one direction.
  2. If the traffic light is turned off, then the highway is perceived as normal, and traffic flows along two lanes in each direction.

At the end of the section, drivers from the third lane move into the main lane. As a rule, this reduces the length of traffic jams and makes traffic more comfortable.

When a vehicle changes lanes into an adjacent lane, the turn signal turns on. Motorists often neglect this when changing lanes, which creates an emergency situation.

Consequences of breaking the rules

Traffic lights and light indicators

​Every driver knows that when driving a vehicle on the road, it is necessary to comply with the traffic rules established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which are designed to establish order and discipline on the highway in order to prevent road accidents and make driving as safe and convenient as possible.

So, the basic rules for driving in the reversible lane include following the traffic lights. However, drivers often violate traffic rules without even knowing it. In some cases, the driver’s inattention leads to negative consequences not only for him, but also for other motorists.

For example, during a yellow traffic light, you have the opportunity to change lanes, but only in the direction in which the arrow points. Otherwise, you may receive a fine for creating an emergency on the road. Pay close attention to the traffic lights and maneuver within the limits of the rules established for reversing traffic.

Another most common violation is changing the traffic lane from reverse to normal. Fines are one of the unpleasant consequences that can overtake a motorist for mistakes made while driving. It should be borne in mind that when crossing roads with reversible traffic, the same rules apply as when driving through regular intersections. However, when changing from a reversible lane to a regular one, the car must be located in the far right lane, where the reversible lane ends (on the right). This arrangement is required no matter which direction you plan to turn.

Remember that crossing the reversible lane markings is only possible if it is on the right side of your vehicle. This rule is especially relevant for situations when it is necessary to change a car from a lane with normal traffic to the reverse lane.

The size of the administrative fine for violating traffic rules when operating a reverse traffic light is not very severe, but is noticeable for any motorist: it can range from 500 rubles to 5,000 rubles. However, this is not the main thing. The main point when violating traffic rules is the risk of adverse consequences in the form of harm to human health, as well as deprivation of his life. By violating the traffic rules established within the operation of a reverse traffic light, you endanger not only your health and life, but also the highest values ​​and benefits of other road users. The reversible traffic light was created with the aim of improving the quality of traffic on the roads, instilling tolerance and respect among motorists, but today in Russia these goals have not yet been achieved.

Traffic rules for reversible sections

Despite the fact that this type of movement was developed to improve the quality and speed of movement, it is with its presence that many accidents occur. The reason lies in ignorance of warning signs, markings and rules.

First of all, this applies to changing lanes, entering and leaving the reverse lane - you can get in and out of it only within the visibility of signs indicating the beginning or end of the lane in the opposite direction.

Particular attention is paid to performing a turn from such a row. Since the traffic rules do not prohibit this action, some believe that it is possible to turn around. However, the rules clearly state that crossing the lane is only possible to the right; accordingly, turning left and making a U-turn are prohibited. They can only be performed at a cross in accordance with standard rules:

  • At an intersection, entering or exiting the reversible lane can be done from any passing direction. But in the case of a turn to the left from the direction of reverse traffic, it is necessary to complete the maneuver only in the far right lane.
  • When the color changes from green to yellow or when red appears, you must change lanes in the same direction as quickly as possible.
  • It is strictly forbidden to stop in the lane - if necessary, you must first move to the right.

Consequences of breaking the rules

Crossroads and traffic lights with additional section

​Every driver knows that when driving a vehicle on the road, it is necessary to comply with the traffic rules established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which are designed to establish order and discipline on the highway in order to prevent road accidents and make driving as safe and convenient as possible.

So, the basic rules for driving in the reversible lane include following the traffic lights. However, drivers often violate traffic rules without even knowing it. In some cases, the driver’s inattention leads to negative consequences not only for him, but also for other motorists.

For example, during a yellow traffic light, you have the opportunity to change lanes, but only in the direction in which the arrow points. Otherwise, you may receive a fine for creating an emergency on the road. Pay close attention to the traffic lights and maneuver within the limits of the rules established for reversing traffic.

Another most common violation is changing the traffic lane from reverse to normal. Fines are one of the unpleasant consequences that can overtake a motorist for mistakes made while driving. It should be borne in mind that when crossing roads with reversible traffic, the same rules apply as when driving through regular intersections. However, when changing from a reversible lane to a regular one, the car must be located in the far right lane, where the reversible lane ends (on the right). This arrangement is required no matter which direction you plan to turn.

The size of the administrative fine for violating traffic rules when operating a reverse traffic light is not very severe, but is noticeable for any motorist: it can range from 500 rubles to 5,000 rubles. However, this is not the main thing. The main point when violating traffic rules is the risk of adverse consequences in the form of harm to human health, as well as deprivation of his life. By violating the traffic rules established within the operation of a reverse traffic light, you endanger not only your health and life, but also the highest values ​​and benefits of other road users. The reversible traffic light was created with the aim of improving the quality of traffic on the roads, instilling tolerance and respect among motorists, but today in Russia these goals have not yet been achieved.

Reversible traffic light - what is it?

Penalty for violation when reversing

Any non-compliance with the rules may result in a fine. Its size, as well as additional penalties, depend on the severity of the violation:

  • 500 Russian rubles – failure to change lanes to the far right passing lane upon completion of reversing traffic;
  • 1000 Russian rubles - neglect of the rules determining the correct entry onto a reversible track, in accordance with color and light signals;
  • 5,000 Russian rubles – entering the lane when there is a prohibiting traffic light sign or there are no signs at all.

Attention! If the last offense is repeated, the driver's license will be confiscated for about 12 months, since this action may be regarded as driving into oncoming traffic. The fact is that when the traffic light is turned off on one side, the signal allowing movement may be on on the other.

Other offenses carry penalties in accordance with current legislation.

Types of traffic lights

The Russian Traffic Regulations describe several types of semaphores, described below.

For street transport

Such devices generally consist of three signals of different colors. Each of these colors has its own meaning:

  • A red light prohibits movement in the indicated direction. The same property is possessed by a red flashing signal and two lamps with a red light lit at the same time.
  • The yellow light informs traffic participants about the upcoming change in semaphore signals. In general, this color instructs drivers to stop, but in the following situations, driving when the light is yellow is permitted: The car is already at the intersection when the yellow light is on;
  • The car cannot stop, thereby fulfilling the requirement of the control device, without the driver using methods of emergency stopping the car.

A flashing yellow lamp allows vehicles to pass through the intersection, informing drivers that they are on an unregulated section of the road or a pedestrian crossing. This signal can be considered as a warning to drivers about the danger that may arise on this section of the road.

A green light allows vehicle movement in the indicated direction.


These units are used in the following cases:

  • To regulate the flow of transport moving through the internal territory of enterprises;
  • To organize driving on an open lane during road works or temporary narrowing of the road.

Semaphores, consisting of two sections, can also be used to regulate passage through railway crossings. In this case, two alternately flashing red signals prohibit vehicles from passing the crossing.

Along with two-section devices, control devices with one lamp are used to control the passage of vehicles at railway crossings. In this case, a red LED light obliges drivers to stop before crossing, while a white LED light allows drivers to pass the crossing.

Single section with yellow light

A few words should be said about the single-section unit.

A similar device is sometimes installed in front of intersections that do not have means of traffic control.

With additional sections and arrows

Semaphores equipped with sections with arrows are often found on roads. These sections regulate movement in the direction of the arrow shown on them. The color values ​​remain the same as in the case of devices for street transport.

In some cases, arrows are used in transport semaphores that do not have sections. As a rule, such devices are designed to regulate traffic in specific lanes.


Similar devices are used when organizing reverse traffic along one of the lanes. The colors of the lanterns in this case have the following meaning:

  • A red light in the shape of the letter X prohibits the movement of vehicles in this lane;
  • The green arrow allows movement along the lane;
  • The yellow arrow indicates a prohibition on movement in the lane immediately after the traffic light, and also indicates the direction of exit from the lane.

To regulate the movement of trams

Such traffic lights have four moon-white lights placed in the shape of the letter “T”. All meanings of these devices are listed below:

  • If all semaphore sections are lit, the tram can move in any direction;
  • If only the lower and upper central lights are on, then only straight driving is allowed;
  • When the lower and extreme left or right sections of the device are on, it is allowed to turn left or right, respectively. If both outer sections are lit, then turning is allowed in both directions;
  • If, when performing the previous device, the white-lunar lamp in the center of the semaphore lights up, then the tram can also continue moving straight;
  • Finally, the top three lights of the traffic light signal the trams to stop.

Pedestrian and bicycle crossings

Devices designed to control pedestrian crossings usually consist of two red and green lamps, indicating the prohibition and permission of movement along the crossing, respectively.

Often the lamps of such devices have the appearance of a schematically depicted person.

Bicycle semaphores can have three lamps: red, yellow and green. These lamps can also be shaped like a schematic bicycle. Sometimes, when installing such devices, a sign is also installed indicating that the effect of this semaphore applies only to cyclists.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of introducing reverse traffic on the streets include:

  1. Possibility of improving vehicle coordination in areas with insufficient number of lanes
  2. possible alternate use of the route in the forward and reverse directions, so the flow can be loaded most efficiently;
  3. the use of static signs, which are special signs and road markings, and dynamic ones, which are traffic lights (the fact is that sometimes eliminating traffic congestion requires the intervention of traffic police officers, which entails such inconveniences as large time costs and the likelihood of congestion on a nearby street);
  4. avoiding the negative impact of commuting;
  5. normalization of the movement of public and road transport in a big city.

The disadvantage of this type of solution to the problems of heavy traffic congestion is that it does not help relieve congestion on those roads that are congested in both directions during peak hours.

Accordingly, this measure is useless when carrying out road repairs on such extremely important roads in both directions. So in such cases, it is necessary to use other solutions to alleviate the situation on the roads.

Methods for organizing reverse movement

Practice has made it possible to develop a number of proven techniques on how to organize reverse traffic on highways. One of the most common options is the installation of special signs signaling that drivers are about to enter a road with reverse traffic ahead. In addition, special road markings and special traffic lights are used for informational purposes.

Road markings

It is worth emphasizing the important point that the distinctive feature of reverses is their temporary nature. Because of this, road markings are not used very often in such cases. There is a logical explanation for this. So, first, carefully apply it to the road surface, and then thoroughly eliminate the troublesome task, which requires considerable expenditure of resources, including materials and time. However, it is also practiced.

Reverse roads are indicated by a double broken line. The gap in such a line is 3 times shorter than in its main part. There are no separate road signs to indicate reversing on the lanes. This creates a lot of difficulties for drivers, especially those without much experience, if, say, the track is snowy or covered with mud, or the reverse markers have worn out over time and are not visible from the cockpit.

Traffic lights

To facilitate the movement of cars on reversible lanes, special traffic lights are often used:

  • they give green signs in the form of arrows, the points of which are aimed downward;
  • traffic lights are used, equipped with the ability to display red X-shaped signals, and the commands of such traffic lights are valid only on those lanes over which they are posted;
  • Signaling is also practiced using yellow signs in the form of arrows aimed diagonally downwards, to the right or left. If reversing traffic lights are yellow, this is a signal that drivers should immediately begin changing lanes to enter the adjacent lane.

When the traffic lights above the reversible lanes do not work or the signals are red, you are not allowed to enter it.

Special characters

On domestic highways, special signs are used, the purpose of which is to promptly signal motorists about reverse torques. Often a sign with a white vertical arrow outline is used. It has two tips and is depicted against a blue background. This symbol indicates the beginning of the reversible path. If such an arrow is crossed out with a red stripe, this is a warning that the reverse stripe is completed. The meaning of a white arrow with tips in different directions is to warn that a reverse is ahead, but it is installed most often at intersections.

Reverse traffic sign

In conclusion, it should be recalled that if a driver violates the rules of reversing traffic, he faces various penalties. The size of the fines depends, naturally, on the nature of the violation and can in some cases reach 5 thousand rubles, and if the person who committed it repeats the violation, the driver can be deprived of his driver’s license for up to one year. Be as vigilant as possible while driving, and may driving luck always accompany you!

Reverse traffic rules: what is it and why?

When answering the question of what it is, it should be noted that such a regulation system is a necessity; its purpose is to unload the lanes during peak hours . Vehicles traveling along such a section can move in the opposite direction.

Sometimes modeling of such movement is required during road repairs. The traffic controllers in this situation are either traffic police officers or the road workers themselves.

According to traffic rules, it is customary to distinguish the following adjustment methods:

  • traffic lights;
  • road markings;
  • special iconic images (these methods will be discussed in more detail later).

As a result of proper planning, the capacity of the road section becomes greater. This means drivers gain time by driving through a separate road section without violating traffic rules.

What is more important: a sign, a traffic light or a marking?

Traffic regulations of the Russian Federation establish the following priority of means regulating traffic:

The most important and mandatory signal is the signal given by the traffic controller; The next most important is the traffic signal; Less important are the requirements prescribed by road signs installed in a given location; Finally, the least priority are the requirements established by the markings of this part of the road.

Thus, road users are obliged to comply with the requirements indicated by the traffic light, regardless of the road signs installed in this place and the markings of this part of the road.

Every driver encounters such a device as a traffic light every day. Compliance with the requirements of traffic regulations regarding the passage of intersections with control devices installed on them makes it possible to avoid many emergency and dangerous situations, as well as to manage the flow of vehicles passing through the intersection as efficiently as possible.


Reversing movement is indicated by a white arrow with two tips up and down on a blue background. Accordingly, the same sign, but crossed out with a red line, indicates the end of the reverse lane.

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When approaching this lane, a sign indicating the number of meters to it informs you. For example, the reverse row is located five hundred meters away. Consequently, a sign with a white double-sided arrow and below a plate with the number 500 m on a white background are installed half a kilometer from the beginning of the strip.

It is worth noting that the coverage area of ​​the “reverse traffic” sign may include intersections. The end of the road with this type of movement is indicated only by the sign “End of reverse movement”.

Reversible traffic light signs

As already mentioned above, a reversible traffic light is presented in the form of signs that permit and prohibit movement in the reversible lane.

A traffic light signal shaped like the letter “X” in red prohibits driving in the reverse lane, since at this time cars are moving in the opposite direction. When such a signal is operating, any movement on the roadway is prohibited, including entering a regular lane. Since if this rule is violated, there is a threat of creating an emergency situation and, as a result, blocking a certain section of the road.

There is also a sign depicted as an arrow directed diagonally to the right or left corner of the square. If such a sign works, this means that the driver has the right to change lanes from one road lane to another, and in the exact direction in which the arrow points. Typically, such a sign also indicates a change from a prohibiting signal to a permissive one and vice versa, soon. It should be borne in mind that, unlike a regular traffic light, a yellow signal does not prohibit movement, but gives the opportunity to change lanes until another traffic light turns on. At the same time, changing lanes is your right, not your obligation. That is, it is not prohibited to continue driving in the reverse lane after the traffic light changes to green.

Permitting movement on the reverse lane is a signal represented as a green arrow pointing upward. When such a signal is working, you can move along the reverse lane without fear, but you should remember that the reverse traffic light only regulates traffic in the reverse lane and does not extend its effect to the rest of the road space. While such a signal is operating, it is also prohibited to change the car into another lane.

What to do if traffic lights don't work

When the traffic light is not working (turned off, faulty), it is strictly forbidden to enter the reverse lane. If the system is faulty, this section of the road, if necessary, can only be used by emergency vehicles with the flashing light and sound signal turned on (fire department, Ministry of Emergency Situations, ambulance, etc.).

If the traffic lights are not working, then you need to continue driving in your lane, in other words, drive in such a way as not to enter a “special” part of the roadway. The track becomes “normal”, but the lane in the middle cannot be occupied.

Why a traffic light is not always a guarantee of safety

Even when you are good at deciphering the traffic controller’s instructions or there is a properly working traffic light in front of you, it happens that traffic is still accompanied by emergency situations.

Therefore, we will give some tips:

always look in the direction of the turn, even if you are sure that only you can move at the moment; do not exceed the speed limit when driving through unfilled intersections and empty pedestrian crossings, even if you have a green light, other road users cannot always tolerate their red signal when there is an empty intersection or crossing ahead; If the traffic light is not working and there is no traffic controller, use the instructions for priority signs, but with extreme caution; many people do not even notice them.

Traffic rules

The task of any driver is to ensure the safest possible movement for himself and other motorists, cyclists, motorcyclists, etc.

In the case of RD, there are several key rules to remember:

  • when entering an intersection where there is a taxiway, always take the lane to your right;
  • only then can you move to the reverse lane;
  • you need to move according to traffic light signs;
  • when the reverse traffic light is off, the lane is considered closed;
  • entering a taxiway lane without a working traffic light is tantamount to entering oncoming traffic;
  • stopping in the reverse lane is strictly prohibited;
  • you cannot cross a double broken line on the left;
  • You can cross it on the right if there are no traffic lights or they are turned off.

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Traffic lights for trams

The movement of route vehicles (trams, buses, etc.) moving along dedicated lanes can be controlled by traffic lights with round single-color lenses of white and moon color. People call them “traffic lights for trams.”

Such traffic lights are located in the shape of the letter “T” (the three upper signals are located horizontally, the lower one is centered relative to the upper ones) and allow traffic only when the lower signal and one/some of the upper ones are turned on simultaneously. The allowed direction of movement is determined by the location of the switched on upper signal. If the left signal is on, it means that movement to the left is allowed, if the right signal is on, it means going right, and the middle one means going straight. If all the upper signals are on and the lower one is off, then movement is prohibited.

"Tram" traffic lights

control the movement of route vehicles moving along dedicated lanes. According to clauses 13.6 and 13.11 of the Traffic Regulations, with the same rights as trackless vehicles, trams in this case have an advantage. This means that if a signal is on at a “tram” traffic light, simultaneously allowing the movement of a trackless vehicle and a tram, then the driver of the trackless vehicle must let the tram pass.

A similar rule also applies when a “tram” traffic light is adjacent to a regular three-color one. That is, the tram here also has an advantage in movement over trackless vehicles. To avoid any contradictions in the interpretation of the signals of conventional and “tram” traffic lights, all drivers, regardless of what kind of transport they drive, should know what the white-moon signals of T-shaped traffic lights mean.

Responsibility for driving in the reverse lane

A road with reversible traffic is a section of the road with increased danger, on which there is a high risk of getting into a traffic accident. It is for this reason that a motorist who moves along such a lane must concentrate as much as possible on driving the car, without being distracted by conversations. When driving on a reversible road, you must be careful when turning left and when changing lanes to the far right at an intersection. Even if the road is clearly visible, before turning the car to the left, you need to change lanes to the right. Compliance with this rule is monitored by traffic police officers at the exit to a two-way road.

According to traffic rules, you can change lanes onto a road with this type of traffic only within the visibility range of a traffic light. Accordingly, you can also change lanes only when the traffic light signal permits. If a prohibitory signal comes on, you must leave the lane as quickly as possible to avoid being involved in an accident. Sometimes reverse is only turned on on certain days or time periods, so other additional road signs may be used.

In addition, traffic police officers can install signs indicating the direction of travel.

  1. The driver ignores traffic lights. Punishment for such an offense is possible in the case when a motorist drives into a reverse lane with a red traffic light above it. Liability for such a violation is 5,000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive a car for up to six months. If the driver is caught with such a violation a second time, he will lose his license for a year.
  2. Avoid obstacles on the left side, cross the marking line and drive the car into the oncoming lane. For such a violation of traffic rules, the motorist is subject to administrative liability in the form of a fine of up to 1,500 rubles.
  3. Incorrect placement of a car while crossing an intersection is also punishable by a fine.

In some cases, such a strip can also be used for classical markings to separate flows with different directions of movement. In order not to get confused as to whether the road is reverse or classic, you need to pay attention to the road signs.

What about in Russia?

This type of movement has many significant shortcomings, this is due to the specifics of Russian traffic rules, as well as the mentality of our car owners. The inattention of most car owners increases the accident rate. Despite the fact that reverse lanes are gradually appearing in cities, it still causes negative opinions and a lot of discussions among car owners.

However, it is worth knowing that roads with reversible traffic increase traffic capacity; cars can move in traffic at a speed of 10 km/h higher than usual. In addition, the emergence of specialized lanes helps reduce financial costs and reduce the accident rate. This is achieved by focusing the attention of car owners who comply with the rules established by government agencies.


There are a number of questions, the best way to get acquainted with the answers is in advance. For example, what to do if you need to make a left turn.

You must first of all follow traffic lights, signs and road markings.

Important questions that are best answered in advance include:

  • visual example;
  • Is it possible to make a U-turn across the lane?

Visual example

If you do not have any experience of driving in a reversible lane, you will need to carefully study the visual example first.

Photo: reverse movement diagram

This will avoid a lot of different troubles. Examples of markings, as well as others, can be found directly in the traffic rules.

Is it possible to make a U-turn across a lane?

There is no clear indication in the traffic rules regarding the prohibition of turning around from the road where reverse traffic occurs.

But at the same time it is indicated that if there is a marking designated as 1.9, it is possible to cross it only if there is a lane nearby in one direction.

From this we can conclude that crossing markings 1.9 is not allowed.

Reverse movement is a special driving mode that requires compliance with special rules.

It is best to deal with all of them in advance. This will allow you to avoid a large number of different troubles.


When traffic lights are operating in normal mode, they clearly make it clear whether you can or cannot use the reversible lane (green arrow - you can, red cross - you can’t). However, when the reversible traffic lights are turned off, the situation changes slightly depending on how many reversible lanes there are on the road.

To make this rule easier to understand, it can be formulated as follows:

When the reversible traffic lights are turned off, traffic is allowed in any lanes so that the reversible markings are to your LEFT. In the example in the picture, therefore, driving in the reverse lane is prohibited.

Let's look at another example:

Ticket 8 question 5 (category ABM)

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